R.G. Williscroft, PhD
N/MO15s, BIN C15700
7600 Sand Point Way N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115-5011
2 September 1983
Robert W. Zimmerman
21416 98th Avenue W
Edmonds, WA 980211
Dear Mr. Zimmerman:
There is an old saying that is most appropriate in your situation:
Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is forever!
I would not be surprised to find you and those who think like you at the head of the line rushing to believe the bullshit put out by Tass News Agency this morning. Be glad you live in America where you have the blood bought freedom to express your silly views without fear of retaliation. Law school is supposed to teach you to think; try applying that skill without bias to the Reagan Administration. You might be surprised at what you find out.
R.G. Williscroft, PhD