Seattle Times, Sunday September 1, 1958


Editor, The Times:

I have been the witness of a most brutal example of unwarranted use of force. I have seen youths clubbed to the ground, and then kicked by three and four men.

I have seen young women kicked and dragged by the hair across pavement and tossed into trucks.

I have not just returned from Czechoslovakia, I have been watching the Democratic convention on television.

I am not questioning the rightness or wrongness of these young people’s actions. I only know that what I have seen constitutes the most outrageous behavior on the part of public law enforcement people that this nation has ever witnessed.

—R.G. Williscroft
16528 37th Ave NE

Submariner, diver, scientist, author & adventurer. 22 mos underwater, a yr in the equatorial Pacific, 3 yrs in the Arctic, and a yr at the South Pole. BS Marine Physics & Meteorology, PhD in Engineering. Authors non-fiction, Cold War thrillers, and hard science fiction. Lives in Centennial, CO.