341 112th Avenue S.E.
Bellevue  WA
August 31, 1983

Seattle Times
Editorial Department
Seattle, WA 98111


The truth will out, this time from the lips of the lady parapsychoiogist herself.

I am sure that many honest people took a second look at the Reagan Administration’s record regarding women’s rights after the surprise of Barbara Honegger’s announcement last week. After all, she was a relatively high official within the administration, and she certainly was employed in a capacity that gave her insight into the inner workings of that aspect of the administration.

So what do we learn from her own lips in the Los Angeles Times inter­view reported in Sunday’s Times? That a voice had spoken to Ms Honegger—from the “future” she has suggested, possibly her own voice guiding her from tomor­row, pointing out her great destiny. True to her mission from God, she obtained her appointment and worked her way into the position of trust from which she made her surprise announcement. One is forced to conclude that Ms Honegger joined the Reagan Administration with the express purpose of sabotaging it at the appropriate moment. That doesn’t exactly lend credibility to her charges, does it?

Masters Degree in Parapsychology, indeed! Thank you, Barbara; for a moment you had me worried!

Cordially yours,
R.G. Williscroft

Submariner, diver, scientist, author & adventurer. 22 mos underwater, a yr in the equatorial Pacific, 3 yrs in the Arctic, and a yr at the South Pole. BS Marine Physics & Meteorology, PhD in Engineering. Authors non-fiction, Cold War thrillers, and hard science fiction. Lives in Centennial, CO.